Daliform Groups ingenjörs service är tillgänglig för våra kunder (designers, företag, återförsäljare, kommissions enheter) för planering, samarbetes planering, genomförbarhets studier och kostnadsanalyser. Dimensionering, utfärdande av tester och certifikat.
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Vårt tekniska kontor, tack vare vårt team av sakkunniga ingenjörer, kan ge allt nödvändigt stöd från den inledande och planeringsfasen fram till byggarbetsstöd.
Daliform Group-produkter finns i BIM och kan enkelt sättas in i projektet tack vare de djupgående egenskaper som är förknippade med föremålen.

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U-Boot® Beton Design Software, the essential tool for structural analysis of slabs design

U-Boot® Beton Design Software meets the needs of designers who face the study of slabs lightened with the Daliform Group U-Boot® Beton system, providing them with all the data necessary to correctly carry out the structural analyzes preparatory to the sizing of the slab.

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Did you read the first technical textbook on the two-way voided slabs with of U-Boot® Beton system?

At the conclusion of a project developed in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano started in 2013, Daliform Group is proud to announce the publication of an important technical textbook titled:
“Analysis and design of reinforced concrete voided slabs also subject to seismic actions. Using the U-Boot® Beton System”.

The book, published by Dario Flaccovio, is a practical technical manual addressed to all the consultants of the building sector that would like to learn more about the use of two-way voided slabs.

The study includes the results of an extensive experimental program conducted at the Polytechnic of Milan, which highlight the excellent bidirectional response of voided slabs and the efficient performance in the presence of seismic actions. The experimental results here presented are supported by advanced numerical models.

Overall, the results derived from physical and numerical experimentation form a solid basis for the understanding and design of voided slab systems for gravity and seismic loads.

Distributed by Dario Flaccovio Editore.